Matthew 13:8, "Other seeds fell on good soil and produced grain, some a hundrefold, some 60, some 30."
On Tuesday morning, my day started like any other. Got up out of bed to get ready for work. Showered, dressed, ate breakfast, saw the kids off to school, said bye to my wife and off to the office I went. Right about then is when things started to change. My phone was buzzing in my pocket as I was driving to work. As it sometimes happens, by the time I parked my car, I’d forgotten to check my phone but when I got to my desk and started up my computer, I remembered. At 7:56 I sent a one word reply over WhatsApp…”EXCELLENT!!”
By 8:02 I was sending out pics and notes to everyone I could. I had received photos from Kenya, showing that God’s hand was at work in a really big way at the REM school in Ngong Hills, Kenya. Pictures of a glorious blessing in the irrigation project that we have been wanting to install since late last year. This spring we took an agriculture team to Kenya and held a 2-day vegetable gardening workshop for the students at the High School where we installed eight 50-foot beds for production, complete with drip irrigation. They’ve since expanded that to more than double. But this was different. This is bigger. These pictures were of an irrigation system for a crop production field for corn and beans, a total of just over 2 acres! With this newly installed capability and water source, we will be able to raise 2-3 crops each year, bringing us even closer to our goal of food independence. This is a milestone for us and for our ministry with REM!
We still need funds to pay off this project. We need $1,500 to cover the expense of this irrigation. But stop and think about that for a minute…it’s only $1,500. Consider this further, that while it’s $1,500 in today’s dollars, it is far more valuable than the face amount when you think about the ability to raise 2-3 crops per year. The cost in food savings is huge. The benefit to the students in learning the skill of agriculture and gained knowledge of irrigation is immeasurable. Any over production will be available for selling to the community, thus saving them the expense of traveling to Ngong to pay a higher price. As far as I’m concerned, the “worth” of $1,500 is exponential. For these kids and to this ministry, $1,500 might as well be $20,000, $300,000, or maybe $1M. If you would like to contribute, please click the donate button below and be sure to include a note that your donation should be allocated for agriculture.
Praise His Name!
Mitch Cogswell
Agriculture Team Lead